July 27, 2022 01:31pm
The above image shows our students with their certificates in front of the Rooks’ Books Memorial. Rooks’ Books is a collection of handcrafted mosaic tiles, put together as a memorial plaque on a wall of the school building. Each student designed and created their own ceramic tiles inspired by their favourite books in memory of Sam Rooks, a loved and respected teacher at Victory who sadly lost his life last year. Beautiful and moving in its significance, Rooks’ Books Memorial is a lovely way for students and staff to remember Mr Rooks, as well as a brilliant expression of the school’s dedication to the Arts. This fantastic piece of artwork formed the basis of the students’ Arts Award project, which also required them to build individual portfolios demonstrating their artistic interests, experience, research and practice.
The Arts Award requires real creativity, commitment and lots of hard work, and the completion of this Award by 196 students at The Victory Academy is a testament to the dedication of its staff and hard work of its students.
More information about the award can be found here.