Food Influencer Competition

March 26, 2025 03:07pm

This term three of our year 10 Food students, Tilly, Rhys and Ellie, took part in the TSAT Food Influencer competition. The brief was to design and cook a main meal, following Government School Food Guidelines and containing certain food groups. As the overall winning dish will become part of the school lunch menu, the students also had to consider how the dish would be prepared in a school kitchen and the cost of production.

The three meals to be judged were Tilly’s Teriyaki Beef Tacos, Rhys’ Chicken Parmesan and Ellie’s Peri Peri Chicken Tagliatelle. The Victory Academy winner was Ellie, who’s fusion dish went into the next level of the Trust-wide competition.

On Tuesday 25th March our students, along with the competition participants from Holcombe Grammar School and Goodwin Academy, had the exciting opportunity to visit Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Club. They met the Executive Sushi Chef who gave a demonstration on how she prepares sushi for the top tennis players, then students were able to make their own sushi.

The students attended a presentation where they were awarded gift bags for their participation in the competition. We are extremely proud to announce that the overall winner of the Food Influencer competition was Victory’s Ellie! Her Peri Peri Chicken Tagliatelle dish will now be incorporated in the Chartwells summer menu and served across the Trust’s schools – we can’t wait to taste it! Following the presentation, students enjoyed a tour of Wimbledon, including the media centre and prestigious centre court.