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Ofsted 'Good' School

We are pleased to share the final inspection report which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of The Victory Academy Community.

April 18, 2023 01:26pm

Following on from our recent Ofsted inspection, The Victory Academy has been graded as Good in all areas.

Overall effectivenessGood        
Quality of educationGood
Personal development, behaviour and attitudes                         Good
Leadership and managementGood
Sixth Form provisionGood

The report highlights a number of strengths of our school, including:

  • 'The Victory Academy is a welcoming and caring school. Staff-pupil relationships are strong. Pupils celebrate and respect difference.'
  • 'Leaders set high standards for learning and routines.'
  • 'Pupils are encouraged to think independently in lessons. They learn to take on responsibility through extra-curricular activities.'