Progression from Level 2 (GCSE) to the more rigorous demands of study of A Level or BTEC Courses (Level 3), require students to develop greater levels of maturity, independence and self-discipline. Study Skills form an essential part of student development at this level of study. Tutors work with students on strategies to support their learning during daily Mentoring sessions. Careers guidance and and help with applications to University, apprenticeships and work-placements also take place during Tutor time.
All students are set subject-targets, and their work is monitored against these targets. In addition, each student will have an Individual Progress Review with their Tutor/Head of Sixth Form twice a year. This is a time to reflect on your progress and set objectives for future achievement.
Supporting Your Young Person
The transition from Year 12 into Year 13 can be very daunting. It is the time for our students to be thinking about and applying for their next step. This could be university or other further education, an apprenticeship or traineeship or even into the world of work. There are a lot of ways you can help your young person with making this decision including supporting them with UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admission Service.