
Curriculum Intent

In the Business department at The Victory Academy, we aim to develop students’ understanding of how the local / national / global economy works through analysing economic issues, problems and institutions that affect everyday life. The aim of the Business studies curriculum is to equip students with the appropriate knowledge and skills needed to develop their employability and identify business problems and opportunities. To successfully give them the platform to become the entrepreneurs and business leaders of the future, transforming their life chances.  

Our curriculum combines both real world case studies and opportunities for students to think like business leaders, enabling them to think and evaluate far beyond the context of the classroom. We have developed an exciting and ambitious curriculum to give all learners, the knowledge and skills to be successful in the future and proceed on to higher levels of education.  

The Business department go above and beyond to support students achieve the very best examination results possible. We do this by, quality first teaching, allowing students to think analytically, reach logical conclusions based on data, and empowering our students to be able to actively and accurately assess themselves, and be self-motivated learners, to enable them to shape their own success once they leave our Academy.


Curriculum Structure (Overview)

 Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5Term 6
Year 10

Topic 1.1:

Enterprise and entrepreneurship

Topic 1.2:

Spotting a business opportunity

Topic 1.3:

Putting a business idea into practice

Topic 1.4:

Making the business effective

Topic 1.5:

Understanding the external influences on business

Topic 2.1:

Growing the business

Year 11

Topic 2.2:

Making marketing decisions

Topic 2.3:

Making operational decisions

Topic 2.4:

Making financial decisions

Topic 2.5:

Making human resource decisions


Year 10

In Year 10 students complete Theme 1: Investigating Small Business and start Theme 2: Building a Business.

Students are introduced to the dynamic nature of business in relation to how and why business ideas come about. They will explore how new and small businesses identify opportunities through understanding customer needs and conducting market research. Students will also explore a range of factors that impact on the success of the business, including competition, location, the marketing mix and the business plan. They are introduced to a range of external factors, such as stakeholders, technology, legislation and the economy. Finally, students are introduced to methods of growth and how and why business aims and objectives change as businesses evolve. 

Year 11

In Year 11 students complete Theme 2. 

Students will explore how each element of the marketing mix is managed and used to inform and make business decisions in a competitive marketplace. Students will understand the tools a business has to support financial decision making, including ratio analysis and the use and limitation of a range of financial information. Finally, aspects of growing a business such as organisational structure, recruitment, training and motivation are explored. 

Students then start a structured revision programme to prepare for their Business GCSE examination. 

Pupils gain insights into real world application of marketing, human resources, ownership structures and market structures by reading business news and developing data response and evaluation skills.

Assessment at GCSE

The Edexcel GCSE (9–1) in Business consists of two externally-examined papers, one covering Theme 1 content and one covering Theme 2 content, both sat in May/June of Year 11.

Theme 1: Investigating small business 

Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 50% of the qualification 90 marks 

Content Overview 

Topic 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship 

Topic 1.2 Spotting a business opportunity 

Topic 1.3 Putting a business idea into practice 

Topic 1.4 Making the business effective 

Topic 1.5 Understanding external influences on business 

Assessment Overview 

The paper is divided into three sections: Section A: 35 marks Section B: 30 marks Section C: 25 marks. 

The paper will consist of calculations, multiple-choice, short-answer and extended-writing questions. 

Questions in Sections B and C will be based on business contexts given in the paper. 

Theme 2: Building a business 

Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes 50% of the qualification 90 marks 

Content Overview 

Topic 2.1 Growing the business 

Topic 2.2 Making marketing decisions 

Topic 2.3 Making operational decisions 

Topic 2.4 Making financial decisions 

Topic 2.5 Making human resource decisions 

Assessment Overview 

The paper is divided into three sections: Section A: 35 marks Section B: 30 marks Section C: 25 marks. 

The paper will consist of calculations, multiple-choice, short-answer and extended-writing questions. Questions in Sections B and C will be based on business contexts given in the paper. 


Years 12 and 13

Curriculum Overview

No prior experience is necessary to study Business Studies at A Level, although a GCSE grade 5 in Maths and English is required. 

Business is always headlining news. Whether it be Brexit or unscrupulous businesses avoiding their tax, it’s a talking point for all citizens and an important part of your life. 

In studying business, you will find out; 

  • Key business terms, concepts, theories and models of how individuals and organisations are affected by business decisions. 
  • How to apply tour knowledge and understanding to real business contexts and situations. 
  • How to analyse influences that internally and externally impact on businesses and individuals. 
  • How to use quantitative and qualitative information to make recommendations, judgements and propose solutions to business issues. 

You will take three, two-hour exams at the end of year 13. 

Paper 1 Marketing, people and global businesses (35%) 

Paper 2 Business activities, decisions and strategy (35%) 

Paper 3 Investigating business in a competitive environment (30%) 

Underpinning these units, you will carry out calculations, interpreting data, thinking critically about issues and making informed decisions. These analysis and evaluation skills are all the skills that are needed for further study and employment. 

Business can lead to a career in in marketing, finance, law or personnel. It also fits in well with the management aspects of many careers. 


Useful Study Resources

  • More information on the specification can be found on the Edexcel website 

  • BBC news website to keep up to date with current affairs 

  • Newspapers 

  • Tutor2u website 

  • BBC Bite size website 

  • The Business Review 

  • The Economist 

  • News programmes 

  • Broadsheet newspapers 

  • Ted Talks on business topics