Our Staff


Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

HeadteacherMr Oliver Owen
Deputy Headteacher (Inclusion)Mr Matthew Fenton
Deputy Headteacher (Implementation and Key Stage 5)Ms Laura Hryniewicz 
Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour and Attitudes)Mr Duarte Ferreira
Assistant Headteacher (Student Futures and Key Stage 4)Miss Laura Simperl                                                                                        
Assistant Headteacher (Key Stage 3 Curriculum and Assessment)              Mr Chris Grabski 
Assistant Headteacher (Staff Development and Digital Learning)Mr Darren Anderson
Regional DirectorMrs Michelle Smith


Extended Leadership Team

Associate Leader (English)Miss Michaela Steeples                      
Associate Leader (Maths)Mr Rakesh Vashisht
Associate Leader (Creative Curriculum)Ms Carley Dawkins
Associate Leader (SEND)Mrs Andrea Clarkson


Head of Department (HOD)

ArtMiss Carley Dawkins
Business/Careers LeadMiss Jennifer Alsop
Design TechnologyMr Scott Banks
EnglishMiss Michaela Steeples
GeographyMr Tommy Slater
HistoryMiss Samantha Slater
ICTMr Michael McAllister
MathematicsMr Rakesh Vashisht
Media StudiesMiss Susan Nicholson
Modern Foreign LanguagesMr Robert Pugsley
Performing ArtsMrs Kim Voisey
PEMr Owen Doyle
ScienceMr Tejpal Bajwa
Vocational FacultyMrs Amanda Kirkaldy

Head of Year (HOY)

Year 7Mr Michael McAllister
Year 8Miss Charlotte Wilson
Year 9Miss Mary Alatise
Year 10Mrs Dami Bamidele
Year 11Mrs Sabrina Anderson              
Head of 6th Form                                 Mr Brendon Cass

Support Staff

PA to the Headteacher and Office ManagerMs Kealy Davidson
Data & Reporting ManagerMrs Charlie Lillicrap
Attendance Improvement Manager & Admissions          Miss Wendy Reeve
Sixth Form AdministratorMrs Mandi Clark
Community Liaison OfficerMrs Monika Oravcova
Designated Safeguarding LeadMrs Terri Hope
Deputy Designated Safeguarding LeadMrs Jodie Allard
Student Services ManagerMr David Miller
Family Liaison OfficerMiss Rebecca Fill
Exams OfficerMrs Tracey Littlemore                                                    
SENCoMrs Andrea Clarkson
Assistant SENCoMs Emma Johnson