Please apply HERE


Aspire, Endeavour, Achieve

At The Victory Academy, we are committed to transforming the life chances of our students, ensuring that all are supported and encouraged to have high aspirations and achieve their personal best. We consider ourselves to be highly inclusive, and welcome students of all backgrounds and beliefs.

We have high expectations of how our students behave, speak and present themselves, both in the academy and in the local community. Our expectations are underpinned by our Victory Values of respect, pride and belief, and our Victory Virtues derived from Costa and Kallick’s Habits of Mind.

Respect for ourselves and our community

Our Sixth Form students are role models for the younger students within the school; we have high expectations of how our Sixth Form students behave, speak and present themselves, both in the Academy and the local community. Our expectations are underpinned by our Victory Values of respect, pride and belief, and our Victory Virtues derived from Costa and Kallick’s Habits of Mind.

We consider ourselves to be highly inclusive and welcome students of all backgrounds and beliefs. Our ethos is one of care and compassion, enabling our students to grow in a supportive atmosphere conducive to their development. Where students need additional support, we will look to meet their needs through our well-resourced Sixth Form team.

How to Apply

September 2025/26 Admissions 

To accept or decline your offer for September 2025 please click here.

Applications are invited for Admission into Year 7 at the Academy in September each year, through Medway Council. Please note we no longer hold the Fair Banding Test.

As a parent, one of the most important decisions you will make will be which secondary school your child will attend. Your child’s secondary education will provide the foundation for their future as adults. They will acquire the skills and knowledge and qualifications they will need to progress onto further education and fulfilling, rewarding careers.

The Victory Academy is a mixed Comprehensive School for 11-19 year old students of all ability ranges, where everyone works and learns within its caring and supportive values.


In Year Casual Admissions

All in year admissions enquiries should be addressed to the Academy. If you wish to apply for a place within the Academy, an application form is available via the downloads below, or from the main reception of the Academy. These forms once completed can either be sent via Royal Mail, scanned and sent electronically to or delivered in person to the main reception, which is manned from 8am to 4.30pm during term time, from 8am to 4pm during school holidays.

TSAT In Year Admission Application Form

In Year Admissions - Waiting List Request


Admission Enquiries

  • Please note that if you are waiting on an outcome from a school admission enquiry, we have 15 school days to process these and you will receive a call in due course.  Any enquiries submitted in term 6 will have therefore been suspended over the summer break. 
  • If you would like to find out which Medway schools have places, please contact Medway Council by email at or on 01634 331 110.
  • All Year 7 admissions enquiries are managed via Medway Council currently.  The Local Authority will be handling Year 7 enquiries up to 31 December.  Please contact them by email at or on 01634 331 110.  From 2 January, Year 7 enquiries will be managed by us as a school.
  • Please contact for all other enquiries. 



If your child is due to start secondary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Monday 3 March 2025).

You needed to submit your appeal before Monday 31 March 2025 for it to be considered by Monday 23 June 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.

For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.

Appeals Form 2024

Appeals FAQs

Secondary Admissions Generic Defence 2025

Secondary Admissions Generic Defence 2024

School Admissions Scheme