Letters Home


Whole School

For years 7, 8, 9 and 10 - Flu Vaccination 20.07.23

Change to Length of School Day 27.06.23

Industrial Strike Action 26.06.23

Studio VA Art Exhibition Invite 15.06.23

Staff Training 26.05.23

Industrial Strike Action 21.04.23

Industrial Strike Action 10.03.23

Industrial Strike Action 22.02.23

Industrial Strike Action 24.01.23

Industrial Strike Action 09.01.23

For Years 7, 8 and 9 - Flu Vaccination 14.12.22

Last Day of Term Information 12.12.22

For years 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Kenya Expedition 2024 14.10.22

End of Term 1 13.10.22

The Parents' Guide to Teenage Anxiety and Stress 12.10.22

Harvest Festival 11.10.22

The Social NetWalk 07.10.22

School Contact 23.09.22

Victory Day 21.09.22

Open Evening 21.09.22

School Closure 12.09.22

Year 7

Year 7 Parents' Evening

Parent Governor Vacancy and Parent Governor Flyer 20.09.22

Settling In Evening

GL Assessments 13.09.22

Year 8

HPV Vaccination 07.06.23 and Guide to Immunisations Leaflet

Year 8 Parents' Evening

HPV Vaccination 14.12.22 and HPV Vaccination Leaflet

GL Assessments 15.09.22

Year 9

HPV Vaccination 07.06.23 and Guide to Immunisations Leaflet 

May Vaccination Sessions 20.04.23

Year 9 Parents' and Options Evening

HPV Vaccination 14.12.22 and HPV Vaccination leaflet

Year 10

Year 10 Term 6 Letter 06.06.23 and Mock Exam Timetable

May Catch Up Vaccination Sessions 20.04.23

Year 10 Parents' Evening

Year 11

End of Year Information 09.05.23

Year 11 Parents' Evening April

Parents' Evening, Mock Results and Sixth Form Open Evening

Sixth Form

Year 12 End of Year 20.07.23

Year 13 Parents' Evening April

Year 12 Events and Information 28.03.23

Year 13 Events and Exam Information 28.03.23

Year 13 Exam Information 14.03.23 and Supporting A Level & BTEC Students

Year 12 Parents' Evening

Year 13 Parents' Evening

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Once you have installed and opened MyEd, search for The Victory Academy and follow the simple instructions to identify yourself. If you have any questions please contact the school office.